Reminds me of some of my earlier(last year) stuff
My favorite thing about this song is the overall mix, not too harsh but powerful. So much improvement from the last submission of yours i heard. I might drag on a bit in this review but im in the mood.
The melody is practically devoid of syncopation, syncopation plays a serious role in groove and the general "interesting-ness" of a riff. The only melody in the song is rather bland(probably due to the syncopation). dont be afraid to add layers to fill up that EQ. Oh and unless your producing techier house, deviating from one chord is a plus.
Having those nifty FX every 4 or 8 bars, on buildups, and on breakdowns is practically the most important thing when producing "pro" music. Dont be afraid to spam FX. If you look at the best producers on here(xkore comes to mind), their project files are LOADED with sweeps up and downs. Its those nifty almost subliminal sounds that keep music interesting.
The bass tail on your kick is very long, which could be a preference. With a bass tail that present and long your leaving no space for a bassline, which again could be a preference but i tend to enjoy a nice groovy house bassline. The bass tail is so powerful in this song i would almost mistake it for hardstyle :P. Most of the big boys(you named feed me once) tend to have REALLLY short tails on their kicks, this leaves room for more bassline and an overall easier less muddy mix. Examine one of Feed me's EQ if ya dont believe me.
Its probably just me but i dont really enjoy that clap. A lot of people use it(or similair ones) and i just find it tiny and uninteresting. I would have used a different one, but that 200% personal preference.
Keep this work up sir and soon youll be pro as a motherfucker. you're almost there, just work on your melody and FX mainly.
Good day.